Early Morning: 7:15 AM – 8:20 AM
The Early Morning Program is available beginning at 7:00 a.m. in the KDS gymnasium. Children who arrive after 8:00 a.m. will not be charged. No prior arrangements are necessary to use this program. The charge for arriving between 7:15-8:00 am is $5/child.
After Care: 3:15 PM – 5:30 PM
The Extended Day Program is an option for parents who cannot pick up their children by 3:15 p.m. This program allows students to get a jump start on their homework and/or have fun and free play in the gymnasium or playground. Students who are not picked up after engaging in extracurricular clubs and activities, will be brought to the Extended Day Program.
Regular Attendance
1 day per week - $50 per month
2 days per week - $65 per month
3 days per week - $80 per month
4 days per week - $130 per month
5 days per week - $170 per month
Students must be pre-registered for After Care. Drop-Ins are not allowed.
Late Charge
If a family fails to pick up their child by 5:30 pm, the family will be charged $30 per child for every 15 minutes past 5:30 pm.
Free Play - Depending on the weather students will enjoy their time of free play either outside or in the Gym. Students are grouped according to age level between Upper School (4th-6th grades) and Lower School (Preschool-3rd grade). Kirk Day School has two outdoor play areas designed for the age level of the students served, including an Early Childhood Playground and an Elementary Playground. The gym is also divided into two seperate play areas as necessary.
Upper School (4th - 6th grade) - Snack and quiet homework time in Room 104
Lower School (Preschool - 3rd grade) Snack and quiet games (coloring or puzzles) in the gym
Students will move in age level groupings to the following locations for further supervised care as weather allows: Outside (2 playgrounds), Gym, Movie (Room 104), or Games in Fellowship Hall
The remaining students will come together to enjoy playtime on the playground or gym as everyone departs for the day.
Registration FAQ
When does registration open? The second Thursday of each month.
When does registration close? The last school day of each month.
Will I be billed at the time of registration? No. You will be billed on the first of the month.
Please note the new number for After Care: 314-648-4943
Both programs are supervised by Kirk Day School staff.
Parents are invoiced monthly when either of these programs is used.