The Annual Fund is essential to sustaining the needs of Kirk Day School, as tuition alone does not fully cover the cost of the excellent education KDS provides.
The Annual Fund fills this gap, keeps tuition affordable, and upholds our strong academic programs. The Annual Fund also allows teachers and administrators to actively move forward making Kirk Day School the best possible institution it can be. The Annual Fund allows KDS to provide teachers with advanced professional development opportunities, to initiate innovative learning programs, to purchase state-of-the-art technology, to furnish classrooms with updated furniture, and to strengthen our campus-wide security system.
2023-2024 GOAL
Why does KDS need the Annual Fund?
As a private Christian school, Kirk Day School does not receive any state or federal funding. Money from tuition covers most of the school’s operating budget, but not all. In an effort to keep tuition costs affordable for our families, the School Board sets the budget for the Annual Fund each year to bridge this gap. Moreover, The Annual Fund also enriches each child’s educational experience with an outstanding well-trained faculty, a proven academic curriculum, exceptional educational support services, and a myriad of extra-curricular enrichment opportunities. All of this could not be possible without the Annual Fund.
Does my gift make a difference?
Yes! Just as Saint Francis went door to door asking for bricks to construct a church building, with some giving only one brick, while others gave a pallet full, each brick helped build the church where believers gathered together as a community in worship of the one true God. Each brick needed. Each brick valued. No amount is too small or too great.
Does my participation really matter?
Working side by side with fellow parents devoted to Christian principles towards a common goal not only builds community among our families, but signifies to our children that a Christian education is important and of value. Parent participation, involvement, and volunteerism, all signify institutional strength and demonstrate school pride.