Kirk Day School has been preparing students for the academic rigors of college preparatory high schools since 1992. KDS grows graduates who excel academically, participate actively, and engage the world for Christ.
Our curriculum meets the educational goals of each unique student, ages 3 through 6th grade. Over 50% of Kirk Day School graduates enter honors programs upon entering middle school and high school.
We believe each child is a unique creation of God and is valuable in His sight. It is our desire to provide a loving and caring environment that will foster an atmosphere for learning. We are passionately focused on meeting all the child’s needs: spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual.
Kirk Day School offers academic excellence with a Biblical worldview, all in the context of a warm and diverse community in which each person is respected and valued. Through a challenging and vibrant education rooted in God’s Word, our students are taught to become independent thinkers, taking the written or spoken idea, whatever its source, and measuring it by the Word of God.
Type of School
Kirk Day School is an independent, coeducational, Christian preparatory school for students in Preschool (age 3) through Grade 6.
Founded in 1992 as an outreach of Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church
Head of School
Mr. Taylor Clement
326 students
51% Boys, 49% Girls
18% diversity
Zip Codes: 35
Church Memberships: 87
Students Receiving Financial Aid: 11%
Average Class Size: 16
Student Teacher Ratio: 10:1
Classes per grade level: 2
Flexible seating and learning spaces
Equipped with latest technology
Faculty members: 40
Faculty advanced degrees: 17
Average years of teaching experience: 18
Foreign Languages: Spanish
Vocal & Instrumental Music
Visual Arts
Physical Education
Library Literature Enrichment
Educational Support
Consult Services
Gifted & Talented Enrichment
Reading Resource Specialist
Intensive Learning Classrooms
Library: 12,000+ books
Classrooms: 23 high-tech classrooms
Conference Rooms: 3
Sanctuary: 500 seat sanctuary with stage
Chapel: 200 seat chapel with stage
Playgrounds: 2
Full Gymnasium
Athletic Field
Outdoor Classroom and Garden
Large Green-Spaces
Campus-Wide Internet Access
Team Sports: Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Golf
STEAM Enrichment
Spanish Club
EnPassant Chess Club
IMACS Math Enrichment
Strings Orchestra
Accreditations & Affiliations
Christian Schools International (CSI)
Independent School Association of St. Louis (ISSL)
Christian Schools Association of St. Louis (CSASL)
Education Research Bureau (ERB)
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