Faculty & Staff — Kirk Day School

Our School

Faculty & Staff

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We are thankful to have an excellent faculty of men and women who have demonstrated diligence in teaching and commitment to nurturing our students in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Our teachers average 18 years teaching experience.
Our teachers are each certified.
Our faculty holds a total of 17 Master’s degrees.







Professional Development

Kirk Day School is committed to engaging and maintaining an excellent faculty. Through ongoing professional development training, continuing education coursework and yearly reviews and mentoring opportunities, Kirk Day School faculty keep their skills, techniques and knowledge of educating children not only current but at the highest level of excellence possible. Faculty are provided with opportunities for professional development growth through local, regional, and national workshops as well as on-site workshops and presentations featuring either outside speakers or in-house presentations.

Nurturing and Teaching the Whole Child

We believe each child is a unique creation of God and is valuable in His sight. Faculty and Staff at Kirk Day School provide a loving and caring environment that fosters an atmosphere for learning. We are passionately focused on meeting all the child’s needs: spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual. 

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