Our Mission
Our purpose is to assist Christian parents in the nurture of Covenant children, educating them in a Christian world and life view, according to the truth of God’s Word, equipping them to be disciples of Christ, impacting His world.A Vision for Christian Education
We desire to teach our students to engage their world thoughtfully, critically, and Christianly. We know that as the world advances, the world also gets smaller. Today’s children are constantly exposed to a myriad of medias at a faster pace than any parent can monitor successfully. However, as a school, it is our true desire to partner with families and to help their covenant child assess their world through the lens of Scripture while providing the richest education possible. We want our students to make an impact for St. Louis and the Kingdom.
Our Principles
First, our foundation is solidly built upon the Bible. It is with that firm foundation we examine the best teaching practices, study and assess the best curricula for our students, diligently work with our students on how to be leaders, assist our parents in their roles of raising the next generation, and regularly evaluate the extra-curricular activities our students experience. Our goal is to provide the best elementary education in St. Louis. We are teaching our students Biblical wisdom coupled with a cultural literacy rooted in rich academics.
Our Practice
We can say all we want about how we fulfill our purpose here at KDS. The proof, however, of our success at doing that remains in the lives of our students and our alumni. Our students, their families, our graduates, and their friends in the community are the best judges of how well our practice matches our purpose and our principles. As our covenant children grow in their understanding of who they are in God’s world, and as they learn the truth of God’s Word and His call for them to be His disciples, they will indeed impact His world as true servants.
Ready to learn more?
We'd love to give you a campus tour or a quick look into our classrooms.