Who do I contact if my child is sick?

You must contact the front desk at or call 314-434-4349 to notify the school of illness, absence, tardy, early departure and carpool changes. If you suspect your child may have been exposed to or contracted COVID-19, you must also contact Maria Massey at and follow the KDS COVID-19 Protocols.

What if my child has an illness besides COVID-19?

Report the absence to the front desk at or 314-434-4349. The child may not return to school until they have been symptom free without medication for 24 hours or they received approval from their pediatrician. Students exhibiting the following symptoms should be kept home:

·      Fever

·      Headache

·      Fatigue

·      Sore Throat

·      Runny Nose / Congestion

·      Vomiting / Diarrhea /Abdominal Pain

·      Shortness of Breath / Difficulty Breathing

·      Persistent Cough

·      Loss of Taste or Smell

Why is my child being sent home for a mild symptom?

Due to the COVID-19 prevention protocols KDS is following, we are currently sending home students exhibiting any cold or flu symptoms, even mild ones.  We know that some of these symptoms may be similar to those students experiencing seasonal allergies. But, we believe it is wise to err on the side of caution in the climate we are living in right now. 

Since the school will be sending home students with even mild symptoms, we strongly encourage you to please keep students home rather than sending them to school if they exhibit any of the above listed symptoms.